Spiritual Objectives

Studies at Graham should enable the student to:

  • Show a profound gratitude for the sacrificial work of Christ on his/her behalf which will motivate him/her to lead a life of sincere and comprehensive obedience to the Word of God
  • Exhibit Christian maturity and virtues identified in Scripture as the “fruit of the Spirit” so that he/she will be able to convey Christian truth both by precept and by personal example
  • Maintain a well-ordered devotional life and a personal program of spiritual enrichment and growth
  • Demonstrate a concern for outreach and missions by actively seeking opportunities for Christian service
  • Manifest a consistent Christian world and life view which shows submission to the present lordship of Christ in every area of life

Academic Objectives

Studies at Graham should enable the student to:

  • Demonstrate a general knowledge of the content and meaning of the Bible
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the theological system contained in the Bible, with an awareness and appreciation for the history of doctrine and the issues raised by Systematic Theology
  • Locate and use effective tools for ministry, including the tools of independent Bible study
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of world history, including the history of the church
  • Clearly communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others in writing, private conversation, and public address
  • Teach others the Bible and Christian doctrine
  • Express a Christian view of life
  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skill necessary for effective Christian ministry and service
  • Possess an awareness of and appreciation for the great classics of Christian literature
  • Pursue a self-directed program of continuing education for ministry

Social Objectives

Studies at Graham should enable the student to:

  • Develop moral and ethical standards so that his/her activities and interactions with other people will be to the
    glory of God
  • Develop habits consistent with mature Christian character
  • Live the Christian life as presented in Scripture and to apply Biblical principals in solving personal and social problems
  • Promote justice and mercy in social ethics, government, social change, and contemporary public affairs